Friday 4 June 2010

*weekly update 2*

This week has been a really strange one. I have acomplished a lot this week but at the same time I have let myself down in others. I have noted where I have gone wrong and what I need to fix however I'm still on a high as a result of my achievements and I refuse to stay negative for too long.

If you haven't already guessed I had a gain this week of 3lb. Initially I was really gutted about it, to be honest the word gutted can not even explain how I felt when I saw how much I had gained however now I've sat back I can understand how and why I have. I normally hate admitting I'm wrong but I tell you all why I am admitting I am because I have made some stupid mistakes and I don't want anyone else to make them and I'm feeling really positive so typing this isnt going to make me feel worse.

My reasons (no smell of B.S anywhere) for gaining:
  • I didn't track everyday - Well dur of course I'm more likely going to gain!
  • I miscalculated portion sizes - I thought I was being extremely good by weighing everything out but it does actually help if I use the correct portion sizes. I was using tablespoons rather than teaspoons result in a 3 point serving of peanutbutter becoming a 10.5 serving... note it has taken my a whole week to realise this.
So there you have it, my reasons for gaining. To be honest I'm pleased that I have been able to identify what I have been doing wrong as its not always easy to do so. Furthermore I'm proud that I have admitted my reasons for it not only to my readers but also to myself.

Now moving on to the good stuff. This week I have done things I didn't think I would be able to do right now. I was recently taken ill and could hardly walk because I was in so much pain however this week I have felt much better and I have taken the 'feeling better' and I have run with it. I have taken my bike out nearly everyday this week and each day have beaten my previous days distance. I have also been using my Wii Fit again as well as one of my favourite workout DVD's (which I will blog about shortly). I have easily done more exercise this week than I have in the past six months. I'm so happy that I have found my joy of exercise again as it is something I have been lacking for sometime.

So to round up this weeks achievements:
  • I didn't track everyday, I managed 2/7
  • I have really worked on my water intake this week and have easily have my eight glasses a day including a bit extra due to the heat and exercise.
  • As you can see I did weigh-in this week and gained 3lb
  • I've included exercise everyday this week
My goals for next week are:
  • Work on tracking 7/7 days
  • Learn the difference between teaspoon and tablespoon (doh)
  • Include exercise daily
  • Keep working on my water intake
Have a great week guys,

Roo xoxo

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